
Buffet, Ph.D.

Senior Client Partner

Michel Buffet is a Senior Partner for Korn Ferry, based in the firm’s Princeton office.

Mr. Buffet focuses on helping senior executives unlock the full potential of their teams and organizations in service of increased value creation and greater organizational well-being.  His consulting approach is both highly relational and data-driven, founded on mutual trust. His work typically starts in times of change – anticipated or immediate. Starting with strategic priorities, he helps executives design and implement organizational structures, work processes and behavioral norms that drive performance and growth. In the middle of change, he works with his clients to cultivate greater resilience through purposeful collaborations, and agile execution practices. 

Michel brings to Korn Ferry over 20 years of consulting experience with a focus on coaching senior leaders, developing high-performing teams, and enabling organizational transformation.

The newly appointed CMO of a global cosmetics organization hired Michel to help diagnose the effectiveness of his team and work on transforming a large segment of his organization. Through stakeholder interviews, benchmark research and facilitating the work of a design team, he helped his client set up a new team and organizational structure, in alignment with his digital strategy. Following this work, Michel designed and delivered an organizational development upskilling program for all HR business partners in the region to support future organizational change needed in the business units and corporate functions.

Michel partnered with the Head of Talent Management at a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company to upgrade its executive assessments and development practice through greater methodological rigor and scalability. After leading the design of a new leadership competency model, he designed a more agile version of the traditional assessment solution and introduced transition coaching, enabling greater speed and improved retention of talent. He led a team that delivered over 600 one-on-one assessments and coached over 100 executives over a period of four years.

Michel holds a PhD in organizational psychology from Columbia University and a doctorate in clinical human sciences from the University of Paris.

Prior to joining Korn Ferry, Mr. Buffet was managing consultant and head of leadership resilience for the Americas at YSC. Prior to this, he was an owner and managing partner at Fisher Rock Consulting, and a partner at Oliver Wyman Delta. He started his career as an Officer Psychologist in the French Navy. He is the former president and board member of the Metropolitan New York Association of Applied Psychology and an active member of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology.