2023 Salary Benchmarking and Compensation Data Now Available

Benchmark your organization against others, design a competitive compensation strategy, retain your best talent and get 2023 pay data.

Get pay right with our comprehensive insights. Gain the data-driven knowledge you need to confidently design a competitive compensation and talent retention strategy.

Benefits from Korn Ferry’s 2023 Pay data:

  1. Regional Salary Surveys:
    • Evaluate and adjust salaries based on regional cost-of-living variations.
    • Ensure fairness in your salary benchmarking approach.
  2. Industry-Specific Insights:
    • Discover ideal salary ranges tailored to your industry and experience levels.
    • Fine-tune your compensation strategy with industry-specific data.
  3. Global Compensation Insights:
    • Benchmark your organization against 150+ markets.
    • Access information on salary increases, economic indicators, and more.

Why use Korn Ferry salary benchmarking data?

  • Up-to-date Data: Our meticulously collected data is current to 2023, ensuring accuracy for your benchmarking needs.
  • Reliable Sources: We gather data from over 26,000 companies in 150+ countries, offering the world's most reliable compensation and benefits data.
  • Data Visualization: Explore data trends with customizable visualization tools. Access, analyze, and gain deeper insights into compensation surveys.
  • Market-Leading Insights: Our cutting-edge analytics empower rewards experts to create competitive pay packages that attract and retain top talent.

Enhance your organization’s compensation strategy with Korn Ferry’s 2023 salary data.